Tag Archives: fall 2011

Head Over Curved Heels

22 Nov

I  noticed a new trend in heels, inward curve.  I especially love this look on booties.

I would love to celebrate the holidays in the Man Repeller booties.  They are business in the front and a party in the back!  Which pair would you wear to a holiday party?

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Accidental Ebay Auction Wins

8 Nov

I’ve been scouring Ebay for certain items that fit into my shopping priorities.  Anyway, Sunday morning I bid on two vintage dresses. A Lily Rubin silk dress and Bilba Indian Boho dress.  In all honestly, I forgot that I had bid on those items until I received the “you won” email from Ebay.  Apparently I was the only bidder, I’m praying that’s not an indicator of the dresses I purchased. Fortunately for me and my wallet, both dresses totaled $43.95 which included shipping.

Moral of the story, add an item to your Ebay wish list before actually bidding on it. 🙂  Never the less, they are cute!  I’ll have to take them to my seamstress and have them altered.  I think I’ll shorten them a bit, so that I can wear them layered during the Winter and with sandals during the warmer months. What was the last Ebay auction you bid in?

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